
How Lylt Works

1 Create Your Lylt Account

Signing up is free. No credit card or billing details are needed for sign-up.

2 Copy the Address of the Online Video You Want to Use

It can be a video from YouTube, Vimeo, or Twitch.

3 Paste the Video Address in Lylt

Lylt will do some work, like verifying that the video can be used, getting a cover image and tags.

4 Start Adding Loops

Select start and end times for your loops. Give a title and add notes if you want. You can edit your loops anytime.

5 Access Your Loops Anytime

Lylt is your place to store loops of the videos you want. Depending on your plan, videos can be private and not appear on the Lylt main website. Keep them for yourself or share them. Only you can modify your loops; others can only view them.